
Thank you for writing this article. I couldn’t agree with you more. I came to this city in 1984. I was 25years young :) I started a business and raised a family. It was a beautiful and romantic city. I loved to tell everyone how wonderful the city was. I have watched it slowly plunge into a place of despair. It is sad I cant boast of its beauty anymore. It is interesting that some people who are running/ruining the city, who preach tolerance and acceptance often are guilty of lacking in those same qualities. I am sorry to be the pessimist but i believe unless the people who are presently in charge of the city are replaced it will only get worse :/

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Very well written, thank you for articulating the sentiments many of us have felt and still feel about the state of this beautiful city. Will share to my circle of influence and beyond.

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Thanks for reading Marcie and appreciate you sharing it!

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Adam, I will circulate your letter to my neighbors. Thank you for caring.

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Thank you so much Karen.

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Adam. Very well stated , lots of trouble down that way , tough problems require sensible solutions. Keep up the the good fight

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Thanks a lot Mark - appreciate it.

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Great piece. I don’t know if our current board of supes can change their ways. But here’s hoping. And if we all keep swinging, who knows, maybe we can get some positive change. I, for one, will keep pushing.



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Thanks for the kind words Max. Glad to hear you are going to keep pushing- the only way to make change is for the citizens of SF to keep the pressure on.

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